Salt and Pepper Wings

Salt and Pepper Wings

Hi everyone..

This is truly an easy dish for a snack. Given the ease and extras that can be added to make this a meal is endless.

Please see the way the flavours come together and give you a delightful meal. Prepare in advance to give more flavour. Eat hot or cold, as a picnic item or just to pick if hungry.

Hint, you can de-bone most of the bones whilst the wings are just out of the oven.

Hold tightly at each end twist and pull gently apart to remove the long bones, this allows the wings to keep their shape.

Serve with Pilau rice or salad, enjoy this tasty treat..

Published by Mike

Hi there. Welcome to my blog. I am a stroke survivor and hope to make new friends like me that have survived a Subarachnoid Haemorrhage. Here we can talk much more freely and mostly without any moderation. Please be aware you are personally responsible for your posts. There will be a just a few rules which I will sort out later as I get the layout of this blog sorted. In the meantime please introduce yourself and post away and welcome to my blog. Michael

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