A Simple Cheese Salad

A simple cheese salad

Most people think that cooking is easy! For some it is. But, for others like myself that have had a bleed on the brain, or a Stroke it’s one of the hardest tasks to relearn.

But in the end being self sufficient is on of the best goals you can set yourself, once completed you’ll feel over the moon!

Simple tasks like the picture above is full of dangers for us! Really you say? Yes I do!

There are sharp knives involved, travelling to the shops, often alone or with company. Using the right equipment in a safe manner. Making sure you’ve washed the salad.

Simply put it can be a challenge! But with guidance and being repetitive you to can produce a dish like the one above.

I’ve heard that some survivors struggle, too scared to try, I say be patient, keep trying, ask your partner to assist you until you feel comfortable enough to try without them in the kitchen.

Trust me when I say the first time you do this dish alone and without help will lift your confidence higher than you thought possible…

Please try and prove me wrong!

Common dangers with this dish…

Sharp knives

Sharp edges to tins

Washing the salad

Grating the cheese

Boiling an egg…

These are just some things as a survivor needs to plan when starting out looking after yourself…. Especially in the kitchen.


Published by Mike

Hi there. Welcome to my blog. I am a stroke survivor and hope to make new friends like me that have survived a Subarachnoid Haemorrhage. Here we can talk much more freely and mostly without any moderation. Please be aware you are personally responsible for your posts. There will be a just a few rules which I will sort out later as I get the layout of this blog sorted. In the meantime please introduce yourself and post away and welcome to my blog. Michael

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