Hobbies That Help To Relax You.

Use this section to let others know how and what you do to relax and help you get in to a good place.

Some of us like to cook, others like to knit, sew, or even potter around in the garden.

Your thoughts and ideas may give others an idea how they too can fine their way into a place that they can feel great too…

Published by Mike

Hi there. Welcome to my blog. I am a stroke survivor and hope to make new friends like me that have survived a Subarachnoid Haemorrhage. Here we can talk much more freely and mostly without any moderation. Please be aware you are personally responsible for your posts. There will be a just a few rules which I will sort out later as I get the layout of this blog sorted. In the meantime please introduce yourself and post away and welcome to my blog. Michael

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